

  • See available data at Settings → Data → Indexes.
  • Source types can be found in root of search section.
  • Use interesting fields (along the left sidebar) for narrowing queries & finding stats.
Search FlagExampleDescription
index="..."index="main"Select data from a given index.
key="value"Hostname="pc1"Filter results for a specific value.
key="value" AND key="value"Hostname="pc1" AND EventID="1234"Filter with logical AND/OR/NOT/XOR.
sourcetype="..."Filter by log type.
source="..."Filter by specific source/file.

Filters are applied with a | (e.g. bucket _time span=day)

bucket _time span=dayGroup events into discreet buckets of information (e.g. by time).
stats count by _timeGet statistics over a given time (e.g. count).
table a, b, cCreate a table for the list of fields.
rename a as bRename a field.
sort bSort by a field.
reverseReverse the order.
dedup bGet just one of each field (unique).
top limit=5 aGet the first 5 values for a field.